It’s Monday (December 11, 2023)

Silly me, I somehow scheduled last week’s post today, anyway, this is today’s actual post.

Some things last week:

We didn’t do much over the weekend. The husband wasn’t feeling well, and the 12yo spent Sunday after his friend’s birthday party.

We had some super foggy days last week. And then a bit of rain. And today, it’s back to sunshine but somewhat chilly temps.
I can’t resist taking photos of the autumn colours.
I finally gave in and bought a pumpkin pie from Costco. It’s so huge that I always thought we wouldn’t be able to eat it. Plus it’s such a gigantic container! So I cut it up into and managed to fit them into different pyrex containers and stack it in the fridge. The kids were delighted.
My order from Lion Brand yarn came in. I saw that they had this 6 for $12 on certain colours/yarns. And these colours from the Schitts Creek collaboration they had looked just right for the project I wanted to do. Plus $2 each? The original price is $9.99!



Red London – Alma Katsu



This is such a brilliant audiobook. The narrators are so good!

Eating and Drinking:

Earl Grey Tea.


I’m boiling some adzuki red beans to make red bean paste. For dinner tonight, chicken drumstick stew with carrots, broccoli, and potatoes.

Last week:

I read:

The Guest – Emma Cline

The Arsonists’ City – Hala Alyan

Asadora vol 1 and 2 – Naoki Urasawa

I posted:

The Guest by Emma Cline

Library Loot (December 6 to 12)

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. This meme started with J Kaye’s Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date

One Comment

  1. I made pumpkin soup but not pie yet. There is a community garden and people volunteer and then they can take the produce home. There were too many pumpkins so we brought some home for the food share voluntary group to help feed people who are finding it difficult to afford food but there was quite a bit too much for that too. I think a pie is definitely something you need lots of people to help eat.


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