
Why? Reading is one of the best pleasures of life.

What? I dabble in a variety of genres such as classics, non-fiction, science fiction, graphic novels, fantasy… Some of my favourite authors of all time include Ursula K Le Guin, Octavia Butler, Jane Austen, Margaret Atwood, Kage Baker, Phillip Pullman

Where? I was born and bred in Singapore and (for now) live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I’ve also lived in the lovely seaside town of Brighton, UK.

Who? I used to be a journalist, then a sub-editor, then a research assistant for a geography professor. I moved to the Bay Area in January 2009, and in 2011, Wee Reader was born. Wee-er Reader was born in 2013. So now I am a full-time mum, part-time reader and part-time writer. That works, sort of.

What else? This blog was formerly known as Olduvai Reads

Contact me

Email: real.life.reading.blog AT gmail DOT com
Twitter: RealLifeReadng
Good Reads: RealLifeReading
Instagram: Real.Life.Reading
Litsy: RealLifeReading


  1. Hi! It’s so nice to know you through the web. I am glad that you were able to link to us through PaperTigers.

    I also enjoy Margaret Atwood, one of my favorite authors of all times. And yes, Sims 3 Rocks – we have the latest Town Life Expansion Pack – haven’t really tried it yet, but my nine year old seems to like it. =)



    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!
      Ah with the little one, my Sims 3 is languishing on the shelf… sometimes I wish real life were like the Sims… in a matter of days he would be a teenager. Then again, horrors!!



  2. You have a lovely blog going here. I am born and bred around your neck of the wood but now I live about 82.3 miles away from Brighton. it’s a privilege to be able to read so much!



  3. Hi. I’m intrigued by your blog name – Olduvai. I guess I’m wondering if that’s your name, because, when I hear/see the name Olduvai, the first thing that comes to mind is Olduvai Gorge, which is a very important archaeological site, which I studied a lot in college, since I was an anthropology major. Lol…anyway, just wondering.



    1. Well thanks for dropping by my blog! Olduvai isn’t my real name. When I was a teenager I wanted to be an archaeologist, and so I chose that as a username/email all those years ago. And it stuck with me since.



  4. I love your Southeast Asia reading list. I’m always looking for books from around the world, so thank you. (I couldn’t find a place to comment on reading list page, so I’m commenting here.)



  5. Following you on Litsy and was directed here. you’re reading 200+ books every year!!! You inspired me a lot on choosing books. thanks a lot.

    Liked by 1 person


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