It’s Monday (June 17, 2024)

Some things last week:

For Father’s Day, we picked up a wagyu ribeye from the Japanese supermarket. Look at that marbling on the meat! I’ve never cooked wagyu myself before (and have only had proper Japanese wagyu once at a restaurant in Singapore). So I was honestly a bit concerned that I wouldn’t cook this expensive steak well. I looked it up and one recipe had the instructions as just cook it for 1 minute on each side. It is a rather slim slice of steak, but it does have big part of fat on the side, so I cooked it for more like 1.5 minutes on each side. Of course, seasoned it well with sea salt on both sides prior.

I later cooked up some king trumpet mushrooms and oyster mushrooms in the remaining beef fat. Served with basmati butter rice, steamed asparagus. And because we weren’t sure if that steak was enough for 4 people (it wasn’t), we had picked up some regular beef for yakiniku, which was also delicious, but not as buttery and soft as the wagyu.

Japanese supermarket sushi and sake

Also dim sum

Made some sourdough last week

I was just thinking about how when I first started on this sourdough journey a couple of years ago, I was so concerned about the starter. Of course when the starter first is erm, started, it’s a lot more work, having to feed it daily and make sure it’s doing well. But these days, it lives in the fridge, and is fed maybe once a week. It’s been left unfed for over a month when traveling, and still is doing pretty ok!

Our little blueberry shrub has fruits!



Ghost Town – Kevin Chen

Poet Warrior – Joy Harjo 


We finished watching Band of Brothers, and although the husband and I have seen it several times, it was great to watch it with the kids.


Tom Lake – Anne

Eating and Drinking:

Sourdough toast for breakfast, along with tea


We have some leftovers today, but I was thinking of cooking kimchi jigae to use up some of the kimchi I have in the fridge.

Last week:

I read:

The Accidental Alchemist – Gigi Pandian

Crooked Plow – Itamar Vieria Junior

Watership Down: The Graphic Novel – Richard Adams

I posted:

Kween by Vichet Chum

Library Loot (June 12 to 18)

The Family Chao by Lan Samantha Chang

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. This meme started with J Kaye’s Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date

One Comment

  1. That’s very daring to cook wagyu. It feels similar to me not wanting to cook beef wellington, and ruining a fillet steak.

    Well done with it, and for what looks like a great choice of a Father’s Day menu.



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