All the Right Notes by Dominic Lim

This book by Bay Area author Lim really did hit many of the right notes for me. It’s a sweet and loving queer romance, starring Quito Cruz, who plays at a piano bar in Manhattan, and Emmett Aoki, movie star. They were friends and choir mates in high school but haven’t spoken in years. 
Until Quito’s dad (the high school choir teacher) tells Quito that he’s invited Emmett to perform at his retirement fundraising concert. 

Loved the focus on music (choir, piano bar, musical theater, and more!). It’s a love letter to music, really, as well as to immigrant culture – Quito is Filipino-American and Emmett is half-Japanese, but as the story is told from Quito’s POV, it focuses more on the Fil-Am culture (and the food! Quito’s dad is quite the cook!). 

I made the mistake of finishing this book while waiting for the kids’ aikido class to finish. Luckily I was reading in the car, and not in the waiting area (lol), because I kept tearing up and choking back the sobs. It was worth all the tears, let me tell you. 

Lim has a new book out later this year, called Karaoke Queen. Can’t wait to read it!

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